Seth was born on March 16, 1996, to parents Ronald and Charisse Boyer. He received a Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry from the University of Michigan in 2018 and a Masters of Science in Physiology in 2021. During the time of his studies, he was a member of the Delta Chi fraternity where he served as Vice President during his sophomore year. While at Michigan, Seth conducted research at the Oncology lab where he and a team of young scientists made new discoveries with respect to Pancreatic Cancer. In February 2022, this research culminated into a report that was published with Seth as Lead Author, titled: “Multiomic Characterization of Pancreatic Cancer-Associated Macrophage Polarization Reveals Deregulated Metabolic Programs Driven by the GM-CSF-P13K Pathway”. Later that year a second paper titled, “Differential Integrated Stress Response and Asparagine Production Drive Symbiosis and Therapy Resistance of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Cells” was published with Seth as a contributing author.
In August 2022, Seth sadly and ironically was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. After enduring partial tumor resections in August and October 2022, and months of radiation and chemotherapy along with experimental medicine, the cancer spread to his cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which led to the very rapid spread of the cancer. By February 2023, Seth was bed ridden and had lost certain cognitive and physical abilities. With physical and occupational therapies, he temporarily regained his ability to walk and other cognitive improvements, however by mid April began to experience a rapid decline as cranial swelling increased pressure on his brain and the cancer spread to his brain stem. Seth died on May 24, 2023, as he slept next to his devoted Fiancée Erin Bookout, attended by his loving parents, sisters Ana and Lola, and his King Charles Terrier, Duke.
Throughout this ordeal, Seth showed remarkable courage and determination. Despite the excruciating physical pain, the gradual loss of his mental faculties and the crushing disappointment of a series of increasingly dire diagnoses, he never complained or shed a tear for himself. Rather, his strength, mental toughness, good humor and love were truly an inspiration to all who encountered Seth during his suffering. To honor and recognize this remarkable young man, we have established this foundation in the hope that it will help others suffering from this terrible illness as well as their families.
He made an impression on so many during his short life. Even at the University of Michigan, the Seth Boyer Award for Excellence in Research was established, and is distributed by Professor Costas Lyssiotas, Associate Professor of Molecular & Integrative Physiology in Seth’s honor. The annual award remembers Seth, his work ethic, brilliance, and collaborative spirit.
The Seth M Boyer Foundation was created in Seth’s name to fund further research, and ultimately develop a cure for this terrible disease that has claimed the lives of so many people.
– Ronald Boyer, Foundation President and loving father of Seth Michael Boyer